Aldridge Sawmill - Passport in Time

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Previous Projects > States S-W
Archaeological Testing at the Old Aldridge Sawmill and Townsite

Angelina National Forest, Texas, 1996
by John Ippolito, Forest Archaeologist

The 1996 PIT Project at the Aldridge Sawmill and Townsite took place March 22–30, 1996. This year’s project focused on the expansion of test areas first sampled in 1995. Extensive tests on the river-terrace feature enabled us to determine the extent of the prehistoric component of the site. In addition, we gathered data on one of the residential areas associated with the mill. Testing also focused on the areas between the main mill complex and the river terrace. This area was inundated in 1995, but an extended drought has made this area accessible. These tests enabled us to pinpoint the location of the blacksmith and machine shops. Floor features and forge supports were uncovered along with a number of tools associated with these activities.

I can’t say enough about the crew of 30 volunteers! They were a highly motivated and enthusiastic group of folks. All have said they would like to return to Texas when we have another project.
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