Archaeology at the Midway Lumber Camp, Part III - Hiawatha NF - MI - PIT Blog - Passport in Time

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Archaeology at the Midway Lumber Camp, Part III - Hiawatha NF - MI

Published by in Announcement ·
Tags: ProjectPosting
Cordwood.jpg by US Forest Service
Join us once again on the beautiful Hiawatha National Forest of Michigan! This will be the third season of a long-term research project exploring the lives of workers in the northern woods, and will focus on a series of cordwood lumber camps owned and operated by the Cleveland Cliffs Iron (CCI) Company. This summer, our work will focus again on the Midway Lumber Camp, which operated from 1913-1920, and contains at least six houses for the mostly Finnish workers who lived there with their families. Project participants will map the site and collect a sample of artifacts from several of the house areas in an attempt to resconstruct the lives and the overall cultural landscape of the workers. Passport in Time volunteers will gain experience in archaeological field methods and artifact identification, and your time "off the clock" may be spent exploring the many resources the Hiawatha has to offer. Join us in July to learn about the lumber camp workers' experiences in Michigan's Northern Forest!

Please note: Strict COVID-19 protocols will be followed, including the wearing of masks.

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